The PARO 24 Hour Helpline is available to residents, their partners and family members, as well as medical students. The toll-free number, 1-866-HELP-DOC (1-866-435-7362), is accessible anywhere in Ontario, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In order to provide this service, PARO has partnered with Distress Centres of Toronto.
Since 1967, Distress Centres of Toronto volunteers have answered approximately 80,000 calls per year, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
When you call the toll-free number you will be directly connected to a Helpline volunteer. These volunteers have had extensive training in acute crisis intervention, depression, anxiety and many other conditions. They have also received special training relating specifically to residents including information about hours of work, working conditions and common stressors.
In addition to providing immediate assistance in emergency or urgent matters, the Helpline may be able to provide guidance to other resources for such issues as but not limited to:
- Stress management
- Eating disorders
- Sexual, emotional or physical abuse
- Anxiety
- Anger management
- Depression
- Gender issues
- Intimidation or harassment
- Substance abuse
- Relationship counselling
- Career or work-related crisis
- Sexual issues
All calls are strictly confidential and cannot be traced.
To find out more information about the PARO 24 Hour Helpline please contact the PARO office at 416 979-1182 or toll free at 1 877 979-1183 or email