Resident Doctors of Canada is pleased to announce that our President for 2021-2022 is Dr. Seyara Shwetz. You can read her message to members here:https://residentdoctors.ca/about/message-from-the-president/
The other members of the 2021-2022 Executive are:
- Vice President: Dr. Sarah Silverberg
- Past-President: Dr. Esther Kim
- Board Chair & Corporate Secretary: Dr. Deborah Brace
- Treasurer: Dr. Shane Arsenault
The full list of RDoC’s 2021-2022 Board of Directors can be found here: https://residentdoctors.ca/about/board-of-directors/
The RDoC Board is looking forward to a busy year of work on behalf of our members. We encourage you to follow our website, on Twitter at @ResidentDoctors, or on Facebook at ResidentDoctorsCAN for all the latest information on our activities.